how about this idea, the economy is based off of the silver piece instead of the gold piece. it gives gold more value in being taht it isnt the default coin finding gold will still be awesome.
as it is now the coins go- copper, silver, gold, and platinum with gold as the standard
if we change to the silver standard and keep copper where it is adn add another coin in between cp and sp it will look like this- copper, brass/bronze, silver, gold, platinum. i prefer the new coin to be brass just because.
so for prices in the book just more everything down one coin, it still costs the same but instead of 10gp it would now cost 10sp. and 10sp in the book would now be 10bp. copper would stay the same.
what this would do is
1. be more believable, all that gold floating around is just weird
2. gives you more options for reducing weight in coinage youre carrying. before you can only change gold into one type of better coin to reduce weight, after that you buy gems. now there are 2 coin types above the base coin. so 100sp would weigh as much as 10gp or 1 pp. 10,000sp would be 1000 gp and 100pp, much lighter that way.
the exchange rate would remain the same as default pathfinder, each coin is worth 10 of the coin below it
10cp=1bp, 10bp=1sp, 10sp=1gp, 10gp=1pp. that would mean finding just one platinum coin is a significant thing.